+ 项目 - Project: 一层超市 1F Market | 二层 SPA 2F SPA

+ 地点 - Location: 秦皇岛市海港区民族路190号 | 190 Minzu Road, Haigang District, Qinhuangdao, China

+ 时间 - Time: 2020

+ 规模 - Scale: 240 sqm

 + 一层超市 - 1F Market

 + 二层SPA - 2F SPA

 + 初见 - Before Everything

  • 海港区是河北省最大的中心城区,位于秦皇岛市东部,南临渤海,北依燕山,东毗国家历史名城山海关区,西连避暑胜地北戴河区,因百年大港——秦皇岛港而得名。


    Haigang district is the largest central district in Hebei Province, located in the east of Qinhuangdao city, south of Bohai Sea, north of Yanshan Mountain, east of the national historical city Shanhaiguan district, west of the summer resort Beidaihe District, named for the century-old port -- Qinhuangdao Port.

    The project is a street shop located in the old residential area, which needs to survey and measure the house without moving the original shop. According to relevant regulations, the redesigned building shall not extend beyond the original building facade. The project site has serious western sun exposure.

  • 客户承租了一楼和二楼面积相等的两个空间,一楼作为精品超市,二楼作为小型SPA。



    The client has rented two Spaces with the same area as the first floor and the second floor. The first floor is used as a boutique supermarket and the second floor as a small SPA.

    The client hopes that the supermarket can achieve the quality of international first-tier city boutique supermarkets, but not lose the hustle and bustle of small shops in the old city. At the same time, the client hoped that the SPA on the second floor could be quiet and avoid the discomfort caused by the western sun on the premise of ensuring sufficient natural light.

    Finally, the client wants the supermarket and the SPA to look very holistic but provide users with different spatial experiences and surprises.

  • 设计希望通过简单的几何语言打破老建筑长方体的生硬感以带给用户“空间惊喜”。将简单的倒圆角用到建筑外立面以及内部空间,通过控制倒圆角的大小,位置,体量去构造不同的功能区。



    The design hopes to break the rigidity of cuboids of old buildings through simple geometric language to bring users "spatial surprise". Simple fillet corners are applied to the facade and interior space of the building, and different functional areas are constructed by controlling the size, position, and volume of fillet corners.

    The main entrance of the supermarket on the first floor forms a spatial "welcome in" gesture by 3D filleted 2D corners, while blurring the boundary between inside and outside space and perfectly hiding the spiral staircase leading to the second floor. Rounding the corners of the cooked food section successfully creates a lovely external selling space.

    The SPA on the second floor softs the spatial lines to a greater extent, transforming quadratic curves into third-order curves to give users a soft and safe feeling like "water". In order to reduce western sun exposure, the facade glass corresponding to the SPA's internal Windows adopts a warm tan color, while the curved walls also weaken the sunlight.


M Stand 咖啡 | M Stand Café